Dom/sub Capitalization Protocol
WHAT IS THE DOM/SUB CAP PROTOCOL? Often those new to D/s (Dom/sub) exchanges are not familiar with the behaviors that I (and many/most Dominas) expect. For instance, I expect to be called “Goddess”, even in chat or email, and to never be addressed casually. (“Hey”,…
Hypnosub Training For Beginners
Hypnosub Training For Beginners In this post I have gathered all of My hypnosub training requirements and hypnosis tips in one place. If you are new (or newly returned) to My Realm, read the following carefully. How To Train With My Hypnosub MP3s This post…
Common Hypnodomme Archetypes
Common Hypnodomme Archetypes The following is an excerpt from my book, ‘Hypnodomme: Memoirs Of A Professional Hypnotic Dominatrix’. Buy it on Amazon now. Among hypno-fetishists who prefer some version of being “Dominated”, “bewitched”, “overpowered”, “brainwashed”, and so on, I discovered certain recurring scenarios. These lead…
Femdom Hypnosis – ‘Hypnodomme’ Book Excerpt
Femdom Hypnosis Book Excerpt The following is an excerpt from my book, ‘Hypnodomme: Memoirs Of A Professional Hypnotic Dominatrix’. Buy it on Amazon now. “Man is the one who desires, woman the one who is desired. This is woman’s entire but decisive advantage. Through man’s…
Femdom Hypnosis For Couples
Femdom Hypnosis For Male Subs & Couples Are you a male sub in an FLR (Female Led Relationship) who would like to experience hypnotic submission? Perhaps you both feel that you could better serve your Femdom if you were hypnotically trained, but She is not…
Hypnosis Goddess FAQs
Hypnosis Goddess FAQs This page contains FAQs specific to Me and My Realm. NF Order Support is handled through NF. For an introduction to this site, begin at the About page. 1. Why do I have to get “trained” before scheduling a phone session with…
Hypnosis: Why Isn’t It Working?!
HYPNOSIS: WHY ISN’T IT WORKING?! This question lands in my inbox about once a month: “Why isn’t it (the hypnosis) working?” The first thing I do, before replying, is to check the sender’s order history. Invariably, I find that they’ve only been “training” for two…
Femdom Hypnosis Explained
Femdom Hypnosis Explained For those who are entirely new to the genre “femdom hypnosis”, this is My basic explanation: Femdom Hypnosis is a sub-category or variety of “erotic hypnosis”. It is based on D/s (Dominance & Submission)—in other words, it includes a power-exchange dynamic. “Erotic…
Why I Don’t Sissify
Why I Don’t Sissify This issue comes up often within the Femdom World, so I’m going to address it fully here. Pay attention, because My stance on this is, apparently, surprisingly unique. I am a Femdom, an hypnotic femdom even, and I don’t do feminization…